Of Sorrow and Clay

Author: Graeme Patrick

Playhouse Thoughts: More than just another scenario, this story asks difficult questions about family, leaving you uncomfortable and slightly disturbed. We loved it!

Blurb: Family is everything in the Appalachian Mountains. When everyone else turns their backs, they will be there, waiting. They may not like you. They may even hate you. But there is a loyalty to blood that runs deep in those black-soiled hollers. 

 Of Sorrow & Clay delves deep into the history of an old Moonshiner, Carson Taft, and his family. At the ripe old age of 89, he has gone missing in the deep forests of James Holler in Kentucky. Telling his neighbor Jack, that he is going to see his first wife, Sadie, who disappeared some 45 years earlier. Carson himself has now been missing a good few days, and Jack has gathered you all, Carson's family and friends, to help search the dark woods in hopes of finding the old fool.

Inside: 22 pages of dark adventure, 5 Taft Family Pregens with deep connections to the story, 2 High Res Handouts




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