Branches of Bone

Author: Michael Reid

Playhouse Thoughts: A brutal sacking of a church gone wrong, Branches of Bone takes Call of Cthulhu in a very different direction and really pulls it off.

Blurb: Beleaguered chieftain Askr Yelloweye leads you and your impoverished clansmen to the rocky isle of Skógrbein, off the coast of Northumbria. Askr chases a vision from Freya, claiming she showed him a relic of Yggrdasil held in the heathens’ stone temple sitting upon Skógrbein. How far you believe your chieftain, who can say? But you know the people of these lands hold treasures in their temples.

Branches of Bone is a survival-horror scenario set in the 8th century, casting the players as Vikings raiding a monastery off the coast of Northumbria. It uses Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition and Cthulhu Dark Ages 3rd Edition rules.

The scenario is designed to be run in a single frantic session of roughly four hours for a group of three to six investigators.


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