Christmas at the Sanitorium
The Miskatonic Playhouse presents a special Festive Episode, ‘Christmas at the Sanatorium' by Caroline Dahlgreen.
The investigators come to the end of 5 months in the sanatorium, and as the prescribed visit comes to an end they realise some of the patients have gone missing. Rumours are whispered among the patients of the unusual disappearances and everyone instinctually knew that they should keep their lips sealed, when ancient knowledge, hidden agendas, and the mythos vibrating through the very walls.
Keeper of Arcane Lore: Heather ValyGirl
Sean Tommeny: TA Newman
Declan Joy: Tall Halfling
Eugene Cooper: Matt “Doc'“ Tracey
Jean-Baptiste Lereaux: Gene Williams
Editing: The Tall Halfling
Music and sound by Syrinscape (